
Twitch Resets Every User's Stream Keys Amidst Hacking Investigation

Every bit nosotros previously reported, Twitch suffered a massive hack that took the personal data of thousands of users. The data breach brought several aspects of the website, such as creator payout information and even the site's source code. Twitch recently acknowledged the issue was happening and that they were investigating the matter.

The company came back final nighttime with an update, revealing that due to the severity of the hack, the stream cardinal data of every user on the platform was reset for safety reasons. Twitch users got notified of this rectification through the e-mail address associated with their account. The e-post states:


Out of an affluence of caution, we have reset all stream keys. You can get your new stream fundamental through Twitch's Stream settings

Depending on which broadcast software you apply, you may need to manually update your software with this new primal to start your next stream:

  • Twitch Studio, Streamlabs, Xbox, PlayStation andTwitch Mobile App users should non need to take whatever action for your new key to piece of work.
  • OBS users who take connected their Twitch account should also not need to take whatever activity. OBS users that have non continued their Twitch account to OBS will need to manually copy their stream key from their Twitch Dashboard and paste it into OBS.
  • For all others, please refer to specific setup instructions for your software of pick.

Thank you,
Twitch Staff

This update was likewise revealed overnight in a pair of updates to the Twitch web log. In the update made on Oct vi at 10:30 PM PT, the company talked about how they learned that the reason behind the exposure of user data was due to an error in the website's server configuration change that a 3rd political party later accessed.

Equally the investigation is ongoing, we are still in the procedure of understanding the impact in detail. Nosotros empathize that this situation raises concerns, and we want to address some of those here while our investigation continues.

At this time, we accept no indication that login credentials have been exposed. Nosotros are standing to investigate. Additionally, full credit card numbers are not stored past Twitch, so full credit card numbers were not exposed.

More details regarding the hacking investigation are presently to follow. Stay tuned for more information as it comes.


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